Service Details

Helping you start your journey together the right way- Booking required at least 3 weeks prior
- Documents requirements are specific and important
- Imam can perform Nikah
- Advise on Registry requirements
Starting your new life.
How to book Nikah at Masjid.
For your convenience the Nikah application form can be downloaded here (Excel format or PDF Format).
To book Nikah please contact Imams from our contact us page
Please download and complete the form at least 3 weeks prior to the Nikah date providing all relevant details and documentation. Failure to produce any supporting documentation will result in delays.
Important Points
- Nikah should be booked at least 3 weeks prior to the planned date.
- Applications must be completed in full
- The witnesses and bride’s representative named on the form have to be present during the Nikah cermony.
- The Nikah organisers reserve the right to refuse Nikah without reason on behalf of Masjid . This is unlikely to occur if you follow the correct procedures for completing the application form accurately and providing any further information as and when requested.
- The Nikah ceremony is a very important step in one’s life and as such the Masjid places a great deal of importance on ensuring that this pious act is with the approval of parents and/or next of kin.
The following documents will be required before Nikah can take place:
- Birth certificates and passports of both Bride and Bridegroom
- If names have been changed the original copy of the Deed Poll.
- If previously divorced the original copy of the ‘Decree Absolute’ and Talak documents in accordance with Islamic Sharia
- Widow or Widowers former spouses Death Certificate
- Original copy of the Marriage Extract form the Registrare Office on the day of nikah.